Mau (Insight) - Kasshoku Nekomusume Mau

Scale Figures
Kasshoku Nekomusume Mau
Release dates
Price is pre-tax. Pre-order through July 30
September 2024
JAN: 4582762880039


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Links to MFG sources: Insight Product Link Insight Product Article Link

Moeyo's selection of pictures: Moeyo's Link

Pictures shared among 2 similar figures? Or 2 versions of a figure sharing 1 database entry?

Is it possible for two figures to share the same set of pictures? This figure, which is 1/4 scale, has a variant that is 1/6 scale.

  1. Is it possible for each image to be related or assigned to more than 1 database entry? This way, we won't have to upload the same pictures twice and waste storage space. or,
  2. Is it possible for 1 database entry to communicate 2 different products - 2 different scales (in this case 1/6-scale and 1/4-scale), 2 different prices, sizes, JAN codes, etc.

Just looking to see if there is a graceful way to handle what are basically duplicate entries. 😃

What happened to my previously created thread? It disappeared into the abyss?!? It was giving links to the MFG web pages and Moeyo web pages. LOL, well here they are again, just in case:

Insight links: Link 1 Link 2

Moeyo Link Link 1

i think if the scales are different it's worth a separate entry. The image space is negligible, and whilst official sources tend to just use 1 set of images, i think user images between 1/4 and 1/6 would be different enough to need the entries to be split.


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Submitted byGrandPr1x1